Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Danny Ford

Well all this bully talk got me thinking about another one from when I was in grade 7.

You see, when you're in middle school, there are only 2 levels of hierarchy - Grade 8 Bullies, and everyone else. Danny, of course fell into the former. Even though I never had any direct altercation with him, he and his cronies still managed to instill fear whenever they glared my way.

I do remember however, when he decided to do something different with his blonde mullet. Skid Metal was very popular back in the day (and still is in Port Hope, sadly) and I guess he wanted to emulate his favourite skid and get a curly mullet. So Danny got a perm.

Just imagine the sight of one of the scariest kids in school walking into the schoolyard with tight, long, blonde, poodle-curled hair. It was like his hairdresser (a.k.a. Mom), used the smallest rollers that she could find with the strongest perm product, and left it in for 8 hours. It was pretty hard to take him seriously after that, but none of us pushed our luck.

This past winter, Danny Ford drove his snowmobile at high speed directly into a tree. Apparently there were pieces of him and the snowmobile scattered everywhere.