Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Home phones suck

I came across this rant yesterday and thought I would add to it.

Why are home phones so boring and behind the times? If my cell phone can do everything including the laundry, why can't my home phone too?

First of all, a colour display would be nice.

Then I would like to add pictures. Would it be that hard to have a USB connection so I could hook it up to my computer? Having pictures pop up when people call is much nicer than deciphering a number - especially when you live your life on speed dial. I'd also like to see my phone transmit a picture to whoever I'm calling so it appears on their phone too (just think of the fun you could have).

Selectable ring tones would be nice too. My cell phone is capable of tormenting me with any number of annoying tunes, and I can add more. There's no reason why I can't get tormented at home too.

And maybe - just maybe, a display with more than 2 lines and 8 characters. If Arnold Schwartenegger calls, I don't want to miss it. If I just see "Arnold S" on the phone and don't know who it is, I may pass it up.

I really don't understand why they have fallen so far behind. It's freakin' 2005 already. Or maybe they are all just waiting for VOIP to take off, so they've abandoned the old phones to enhance the new. Either way, there's room for improvement.