Friday, June 03, 2005

Some Things

Yesterday I caved and bought a pack of smokes. Goddamnit.

Yesterday morning I saw the city work crews tearing up a strip of green grass that ran between the sidewalk and the road. They replaced it with.... green grass.

After getting burned with defective Ally McBeal DVDs from ebay, I bought a brand new regionless set from China for $100 (much less than what I paid before). I just have to buy a PAL capable DVD player now to watch them. It's really just a matter of principal at this point. And yes, it's still in English.

Saw a really hot guy this morning and thought of all the different ways I'd like to violate him. I think I'd do it somewhere public, so we'd get the rush of maybe getting caught.

Woke up and had a shower and immediately went back to bed. Thankfully the cats woke me up 45 minutes later because they wanted their tuna. I still made it in to work on time.

Discovered that I had bed head due to sleeping with wet hair.

Decided to cover it up by spiking my hair everywhere. If I'm going to have bed head, I'm gonna look like I meant to do it.