Monday, June 27, 2005

So I had a good time this weekend - despite my intentions

After avoiding all the festivities this weekend, Q and I decided to check out Pride and make an appearance yesterday evening. We are both a little under the weather, and had spent the day doing mundane things like laundry and housecleaning. Needless to say, neither of us were in the best of moods, but Q suggested we get out of the house and go see a friend who had called from a beer tent.

Honestly, my intentions were to go, make and appearance, have a beer and then leave. I was still feeling grumpy when things reached a turning point - someone bumped Q's arm and half a beer went flying all over my shirt. Three thoughts went through my head - throw my beer all over him, or get pissy-er, or "snap out of it bitch and just enjoy yourself." I chose the latter, laughed and gave him a great big hug. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize that I was just wiping the beer off. Then someone started sucking the beer off my shirt.

Turns out that I knew a group of people there who I hadn't seen in quite a while. One person had chocolate powder and was sprinkling it on people's necks to be licked off. She sprinkled it on mine and then suddenly I had Q's lips on my neck - then someone else's. I made sure to reciprocate too.

What can I say, how could I stay in a bad mood when I'm surrounded by hot daddies touching, hugging, kissing, complementing and inflating my ego? Plus they were all people Q and I knew and flirting wasn't a problem because it wasn't going any further. I'm glad neither Q nor I are the jealous type. Some of the guys were old flames, and much to my surprise we still sparked. Some very pleasant memories there..... Needless to say the beer kept flowing, my shirt came off and I just started enjoying myself.

There was one guy there (not in our group), who I have seen many times over the years. He's very hot in that bad boy sort of way. Like I said, I'd noticed him many times before but never got any recognition in return. Last night he suddenly took a liking to me. I got the smile, the head nod, the wink, the cruising/following as I walked by and the point-him-out-to-a-friend. I couldn't help but smile and wink back and think "ha! you wish!"

Actually I do wish, but there's a little too much attitude there. In one way it's sexy, but in another he looks like the type who thinks you should feel privilidged for the honor of sucking his cock. I'm not into that - unless it involves whips, chains and a sling or two.

Anyways, we finally stammered home around 12:30. 2 advils and a glass of water later we were spinning in bed.

Hope everyone else had a great Pride weekend. I'm glad I took a break this year. It reminded me of just how much fun there is to have. You don't even have to know a lot of people either, just the right ones.

4:50pm: You know, I really should have asked about the "chocolate" powder first. Maybe there's a reason why I loosened up so quickly and felt all my tiredness go away. Oh well. At least it tasted good.