Friday, June 10, 2005

Pride Shmide

Well it looks like Toronto is gearing up for the upcoming Pride festivities. Last night Q and I went to Xtra's Pride party at Woody's. I had a showing in their gallery last year, so was fortunate enough to get an invite. How could I say no to a private party in a bar with free food and free alcohol? And it was pretty fun.

Up until that point, I hadn't given Pride a whole lot of thought. I knew it was coming up but that was about it. I'm just not that excited, or really care. I think that Pride is a wonderful event and provides many benefits to the community and local businesses who take part. I'm glad that it happens every year.

I'm just over it I guess. I don't do the circuit party thing anymore, plus the prices are phenomenally high. I really think that the promoters are taking advantage and gouging the boys who want to party party party. They pay enough for their drinks, water, powder and pills that you think they'd get a break. Plus I refuse to wait in line for, or pay to get in to the bars that I can freely walk into any other day of the week. I've never been much of a parade person either. They bore the heck out of me.

Chances are I'll check out a beer tent or two (provided the line isn't an hour long), and go to a friend's place who has an open house every year. His balcony overlooks Church St and provides an excellent bird's eye view of all the goings on.

Some days I think that I'd rather just leave the city and get away from all the crowds. Maybe if I did that for a few years, I could appreciate Pride again.