Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I am never drinking out of a glass in a hotel room ever again.
Never ever.
Brought to you by
9:40 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
Silly Nazy
First of all I'd like to dish out a big thank you to everyone who showed up on Saturday night. I like being the center of attention, so thanks for indulging me. It meant a lot.
On a completely different note, I had to give up my Blackberry last week. I swear the last time I missed something this much was when I quit smoking. They call them crackberries for a reason. I'm getting another one, but still waiting for it to arrive. Consequently I'm stuck using Q's old RAZR phone. The arrow keys don't like to work sometimes - oh and my bluetooth headset just died this morning. I love the quality of craftsmanship these days.
The one plus is that I have a camera phone again. I find I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's great to be able to take snapshots of things you find immediately interesting. Take this picture for example.
It's hard to read, but the red letters read "Dec 1. Happy Birthday Jesus Party."
Graffiti is another favourite of mine. Especially when they don't know how to spell.
Can you find the grammatical error?
Brought to you by
9:45 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
Saturday Night Drinks
Looks like we'll be at the Artful Dodger on Saturday night. I imagine we'll be there around 9:00 or so. Hope to see you all there!
Thanks for the suggestion Mme Rouge!
Brought to you by
3:59 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Time Machine Rules
I have to say that the money spent on Mac OSX 10.5 was well worth it. For those of you not in the know, it has an extremely easy to use, automatically automated backup program called Time Machine built right in. Tonight, while trying to get my Blackberry to sync with my mac (the horror stories I've heard are coming true), a contact was deleted from my address book. The address book is linked to my billing software, so consequently all billing info for that client disappeared. How fucking brilliant of the software developer.
Anyways, in a matter of one minute I fired up time machine, selected and restored the contact and billing software database and everything instantly came back. So thank you Apple, I'm almost willing to forgive you for making unnecessary and distracting 3D changes to the dock and menu bar, and for creating "stacks" which are an absolute UI nightmare.
Brought to you by
10:38 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Open House Celebration
Hi Everyone,
I know I've been missing in action lately. I'm on my last week of work and have had my replacement following me for the past couple of weeks. Not a lot of time to blog.
It's hard to believe that when I walked into my office in January 2000 that I would end up staying there for almost eight years. I was 23. I'm 31 now. An entire chapter of my life happened while working out of that office.
Friday is my last day there - ever. My last day with a comfortable salary and regular paycheque.
So I want to celebrate and go out on Saturday night. The kind of thing where I'll be at a certain bar drinking all night and if anyone wants to stop by and say hello, they are more than welcome. The only thing is I don't know where to go. I want somewhere that is conducive to conversation, where you can stand or sit to drink and feel free to come and go. Doesn't have to be a gay bar, but gay friendly for obvious reasons.
So if anyone out there is still checking this from time to time, keep Saturday in mind and if you have any suggestions, feel free to pass them on.
I'll leave an update on Friday once I figure out where I'm going.
Brought to you by
8:04 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
My most favourite hospital ever
Hostpital Gives Man Drip-Feed of Vodka
Remind me to get sick the next time I'm in Brisbane.
Brought to you by
9:41 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Don't You Put It In Your Mouth
..Unless you ask someone you love.
This commercial used to be on TV all the time. I loved it. They must have been on crack making this.
Brought to you by
10:12 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Dear Rob Zombie
While I appreciate that you are still relatively new in the role of Movie Director, I think that by tackling a remake of Halloween, you bit off a bit more than you could chew. After viewing your movie last night, I've made a few notes and questions:
- Suspense - it makes a horror film scary. Without it, it's a little bland and predictable. You might want to try adding it next time around.
- Serial Killers do not require a long, drawn out backstory. It's more fun when you don't know why they're so fucked up and killing people. Not to mention that when the film starts with the kid already screwed up, trying to show why afterwards is rather pointless. You'd do better showing certain events first, and then the results. This also goes for whoever remade The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
- Timelines - if you start the film in what looks like the 70's, and then go to "Fifteen Years Later," you might want to give us an actual year as a frame of reference. In my mind the film started in or around 1975, which would make the latter part of the film take place around 1990. I don't remember cute, small cell phones being around then - especially in the hands of teenagers. But then the rest of the phones in the houses looked like they were from 1982. I'm confused.
- If it's "Fifteen Years Later," then how come the only black man in the film (who gets killed of course) looks, acts and talks like some jive talkin' , mutton chop wearin', trucker badass from Shaft? And if he's pulled out a knife and is prepared to beat the shit out of somebody, why would he call him an A-hole instead of asshole?
- Continuity - If Michael squeezes someone's head and pushes their eyeballs into their sockets and blood starts running everywhere, shouldn't the victim still have blood on their face when he drags them down the hall? If you go to the trouble of showing a bathroom stall wall being knocked over and the glass shattering on the advertisement that hangs on it, you might not want to have it in pristine condition in the very next shot.
- How does a police chief remove a baby from a murderous crime scene, drive it to the next hospital and drop it off with no questions asked? Especially when the mother is still alive?
- You might want to stick to making music. Your movies suck.
Brought to you by
10:20 AM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Reality Check
As you all know, Q and I have been going to Gay Camp this summer. It's in Simcoe, a small town not too far away from Hamilton. We just spent a great weekend there, but today I was dealt some disturbing news:
On Sunday evening a truck with a couple of (presumably) straight guys drinking beer in it entered the campgrounds and started racing around. They were driving very fast (could have easily hit someone) and doing donuts all over the lawns - including in the memorial gardens that had just been landscaped. They also began shouting out slurs, asking people if they had big cocks, etc and generally making asses of themselves. While they were screwing around, someone closed the gate on them, so they drove over and broke a couple of fence posts to get out. A camper then called the police to report trespassing, reckless driving, drunk driving, abuse, anti-gay threats and property damage. They were even able to provide a description of the truck and the license plate.
24 hours later, the police still haven't shown up.
I'm not one to sit back and let insults like this pass me by. As soon as I have all the details, I'm going to contact the head of that police department and lodge a formal complaint. Depending on the response I get, I'll go even higher - and have the means to do so. I can accept the fact that shitheads get drunk and harass fags because they can't deal with their own sexuality. I cannot, and will not, accept being treated as a second class citizen by the police - no matter how small the town. They have a duty to uphold my basic human rights and can be called on it when they don't. Not only do I have a vested interest in the people there, I also have property there that is vulnerable to this kind of attack.
Bring it on bitches. Bring it on.
Brought to you by
1:07 PM
Monday, October 01, 2007
On Maggie Trudeau and Box Stepping
Some things I learned this weekend from a 300 pound ex 80's circuit boy, who was a regular patron and member of both The Saint and Studio 54:
- They called them Circuit Parties in the 80's.
- Before X came on the scene, they used to take a drug called Decadence - which was a combo of
LCDLSD, Acid, MDA, coke, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Pepto Bismal and probably some Metamucil thrown in for good measure (if I remember correctly). - His friend The Doctor was the one who discovered that Ketamine made for a great party drug and called it Special K. He didn't happen upon this by accident, but through intensive research. Then when he came up to them at a party and squirted it up their noses, it made the high last for like, 12 hours.
- He was there when X was discovered too. (when did the name change to E?)
- This one time, a party at The Saint lasted like 36 hours and he and his friends spent $4500 on drugs alone for the weekend. I think he got ripped off.
- On Sundays, after the parties were over, he'd have everyone over to his penthouse at 4th & Broadway (which work paid the rent for) and he'd have a DJ and everyone would shower at his place and he had jeans and sweatshirts for everyone to change into and then they'd all party until Monday morning and then go to work on Monday morning.
- He knew Maggie Trudeau and would see her at Studio 54 but wouldn't go over and talk to her because he was afraid that a photographer from the Toronto Sun would take their picture and it would end up on the front page the next day. I hear that happened to poor Maggie a lot.
- The box step was, and still is, a very popular dance at circuit parties. This information was obtained not through conversation, but through observation.
A few more: - It's true - the only way to get a job at Studio 54 was to blow Stephen.
- Everybody tipped the bartenders with a line of coke on the bar. I mean everybody.
Brought to you by
12:50 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Pre-Halloween Party
Sorry D.R. but I just had to steal this picture. You're right, it sums up the entire weekend. For more pictures of what fags will do for a Halloween Party at Gay Camp, head on over to DeadRobot's page.
Brought to you by
9:24 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We've been in the new house for over a year and up until last night, my walls were pretty much bare. With all the nice, new drywall everywhere I've been hesitant to put any holes in it. It's silly I know, but when you pay a shitload of money for renovations, you're not too keen on putting holes in walls.
Last night I finally took the plunge and decided to hang a couple of panels on either side of the bay window in the living room. Seeing as I have trouble with depth perception and lining things up at times, I decided that putting the first hook at the top left corner of the window was a good idea. It was square, and more importantly a good reference point so I could put the other hook in the same spot on the other side of the window and they would be (more or less) even .
So I took the drill and proceeded to make the first hole, which resulted in a huge chunk of plaster (or drywall mud or whatever the fuck it was) coming loose and falling at my feet. It was then that I discovered that that particular portion of the wall was not made of drywall in any way, shape or form. So after much swearing and muttering, I moved the bracket and tried again, with success this time. I also arranged it in such a way so that the panel hid the ever so slight huge imperfection I had caused. After that I figured "what the hell" and proceeded to go around the house and start putting up all the things I had purchased but had never gotten around to hanging. I'm happy with the results.
It's kind of like getting that first scratch on your new car. The subsequent marks and dings don't seem so bad afterwards.
Brought to you by
9:58 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Dog Did It
I always take Q to the classiest of family functions. On Saturday we went to my cousin Janet's wedding. She's a beautiful girl and her hubby's a hottie. I'm very happy for them and it was a great time.
My family is, oh what's the term, a little red in the neck shall we say? There are also a few hard core drinkers. One of whom showed up at the church reeking of booze and proceeded to grab a woman's ass. Q was just as shocked to see him get into his car and drive to the reception after the ceremony. I was just like "of course he's driving to the reception. He drove here. Don't worry, he'll make it." I'm sure the man's drunk 24/7.
At the reception there was someone who apparently had had enough of wearing a shirt and tie and had decided to change back into his ratty old grey tshirt and jeans. Nice. Someone also let one go right in the middle of a speech. One of the groomsmen were speaking at the podium, the room was silent and all of the sudden there was this loud, reverberating FFFFFAAAAAAARRRRTTTTTTT!!!!! Did I mention that we were sitting wooden chairs? Just gave it that extra reverberation. Everyone at that particular table then pulled their shirts up over their noses to cover the smell. At least we all had a laugh.
I was shocked to see 3 other fags at the party, considering it was in Whitby and all. I had to go scope them out, just to be sure, and it turned out that they were doctors at a clinic where Janet used to work. Very nice guys and a lot of fun.
Considering that there was an open bar, we got home late, and I was dragging my ass all day Sunday, there's no reason why I should have been up until 4:00am that night. It was like I'd had a coffee or something. Brutal.
Like I said, the bride and groom made a beautiful couple, and they looked extremely happy. Couldn't help but begin to think of what my wedding would be like.................
Brought to you by
10:00 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
la la la la la la la la la la la......
I didn't sleep last night. No apparent reason. Last time I looked at the clock it was 4:00am. I'm on a major crash having exhausted what little energy I had for the day. I'm going delirious too. The Rainbow Connection has been looping incessantly in my brain for the past hour.
I hope the Venti Americano kicks in soon.
Brought to you by
1:42 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
OMG What have I done?????
I opened up a face book account today. I'm screwed. People are finding me like flies to rotting cow heads in the desert. I'm already addicted. Damnit.
Brought to you by
4:07 PM
I'm keeping both ears for now.
I did something today which I haven't done for a very long time. I pulled out my box of paints and brushes and actually painted. I'm not any good mind you, but it was awfully therapeutic. I decided to paint music, if that makes any sense. When I listen to music I often visualize the sounds in my head, and so I decided to try putting it down on paper - so to speak.
For my first attempt I selected Attached by Orbital, from their Snivilisation album. I've always liked this track as it slowly builds and builds until it's full of multi layered goodness. Then it deconstructs just as slowly. Just over 12 minutes in total. I played it twice as I painted, not even noticing that almost half an hour had gone by. The end result is multi layered canvas of brush strokes and colours.
My second piece was created while listening to Bachelorette by Bjork. It came out much different - sparse and earthy and slightly cartoony. Not too much of a surprise there.
I didn't end up with any masterpieces that could be hung in a church, but I did feel better afterwards. I'd been feeling very blah all day, and this released the tension.
You know, I never thought I'd hear myself mutter "No, that sound is definitely not yellow." I'm sure some of you out there will know what I mean.
Brought to you by
12:03 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saw this in a store on the weekend
Thought it was cute:
Some people are like Slinky's -
They don't really serve a purpose,
But still make you smile
When you push them down the stairs.
Brought to you by
11:57 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
The New U.S. Attorney General
This was briefly the front page of CNN this morning. Our office manager noticed it and I managed to grab a screen cap. They've since fixed it.
Look very carefully at the "Live Developing Story."
Brought to you by
10:52 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Is it really good luck?
Today, at lunch, while I was setting outside, on a bench, in a park, happily munching away on a sandwich,
a bird pooped on my head.
Thankfully it was only a little bit of poo and I had napkins with me.
Brought to you by
4:51 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Great Head
No it's not what you're thinking you naughty dirty slut. It's a great time waster of a program. Just keep clicking.....
Brought to you by
12:47 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'd love to tell you about the great weekend we had at The Point, but I think that Dead Robot's post and subsequent pictures tell it all. Plus I left the camera in the car and I'm too lazy to go get it. It's been a while since I've been the fresh meat on the block, and while I always enjoy the attention, I do wish that I would have had the luxury of choosing who it was coming from. But that's seldom the case.
Dead Robot and Shark Boy also brought me a bottle of bubbly to celebrate my new venture. It was very sweet of them, and much appreciated. I'm happy to find new friends who are just a warped as I am. We are going it alone this coming weekend and will heed all your warnings - including "No Sex Of Any Kind In The Pool Area." Even though I know of a kind of sex that would be perfect. Damn
We arrived home to a rather foul stench on Sunday. I noticed something faintly unpleasant in the air on Friday and emptied the garbage and green bins thinking that was the problem, but obviously not. So I got down on my stomach with flashlight and did some sleuthing. I soon discovered that a certain red haired kitty was out hunting mice again and managed to wedge a dead one under the wine cooler (along with many other cat toys I discovered). Q grabbed Howard and ran and hid like a little girl in the living room while I managed to get Dead Mouse out from under the cooler, into a bag and out of the house. Howard was pissed!! I don't ever remember seeing him so angry! Apparently he didn't like me taking his toy away, and sulked and spazzed around the house for an hour or more.
This isn't funny anymore. Those mice have got to go for good.
Brought to you by
11:43 PM
Friday, September 07, 2007
Let'ssss make ssssome sssss'moressssss
We're off to super gay camp fest again this weekend. In case anyone was wondering, this is what gay camping looks like:
Brought to you by
1:02 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Nothing much to add really. That's my new logo.
Update: I thought of something to add - an explanation.
1. It's based on binary equivalent of 6, 4, and 0:
6 = 0110
4 = 0100
0 = 0000
2. The colours were inspired by a place in NYC called The Chocolate Bar. I saw it when I was there a few years ago, took a picture, and thought that if I ever opened my own business, that's the colour scheme and I would use.
3. I decided on the retro "pong" look because I wanted to differentiate myself from other businesses doing the same thing. There's only so many times one can use the LCD calculator font before it gets boring (like once). I thought an element of design would be nice touch.
Brought to you by
10:41 PM
I Quit!
I quit my job today.
I've been working out of the same office for almost 8 years. I was 23 and fresh out of school when I started here. Little did I know then that I'd spend a relatively large portion of my life living and working out of an office at Yonge & St Clair.
I don't have many complaints about my current position. It's a small company, the pay is good, the people are nice and I like the location. It's just that I felt it was time to move on. And so, over the past few months, I've slowly been creating my own I.T. support company, 640k Solutions Inc.
As part of my job I work directly with the owners of all the companies I support. Eventually I began to look around (especially at their houses, cars and cottages) and wonder why I couldn't do the same thing myself - and set about doing it. The prospect of not being salaried is scary, however you don't get anywhere in life without taking risks.
So that's it. That's my big news. I QUIT MY STABLE, RELIABLE, GOOD PAYING JOB to start something of my own. Anyone out there looking to contract out their I.T. support can feel free to email me at jbarrieat640ksolutionsdotcom. Anyone out there with considerable Windows server/client, networking, Exchange, VPN, and Mac, knowledge who is looking for a job can also drop me a line.
God I need a drink and a cigarette. Fine. A drink it is.
Brought to you by
1:10 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
No More Mr Nice Guy
That's it. I've had it. I no longer have the patience to deal with stupid people. I'm through with being nice to all my suppliers. It gets you nowhere. From this point on I'll give everyone ONE chance at getting it right, and be friendly right up to that inevitable point where they fuck up. Not just make a silly mistake, but really fuck up. From then on I'll be known as Mr. Bitch (Dickeybird you just stop with whatever comment you're about to make right now). It's the only way to get these people to pay attention. They will soon learn that if they don't, they'll fucking hear about it from Mr Cunty. What they don't realize is that because I rely on them somewhat, their incompetence can make me look incompetent, and that's something I just won't tolerate.
I'm a big believer in customer service, which is why I have loyal following of clientele that I do. I also expect that level of service from other companies, and I'm usually disappointed. When I am, I usually let them know. I'm sure my account is flagged with "you can't satisfy this customer, so don't even try" at my car dealership after all the problems I had. As far as I was concerned, they were going to live up to their warranty whether they liked it or not - and they didn't like it one bit.
There, much better.
Brought to you by
1:27 PM
All the drivers are women and they all wear spandex
I saw a tow truck on the side of the 401 HIGHWAY OF HEROES yesterday. The company name was:
Camel Towing
Do you think they know? It's very possible that they don't have a clue. There are a lot of immigrant tow truck drivers in Toronto.
I on the other hand laughed my ass off and snickered the rest of the way home.
Brought to you by
10:24 AM
INTEGRAL - Pet Shop Boys vs. Cybermen
This is a mash-up of the Pet Shop Boys and Dr. Who. I just kinda liked it.
Brought to you by
12:05 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Dining Extravaganza
While we were at Super Gay Campground 2007 and talking with a neighbour, another camper came up to speak with him about their dinner plans that night. Two things from their conversation stood out:
1. Cedar planked salmon (the cedar was currently soaking in the sink)
2. Chafing dishes
The first I could sort of understand, but chafing dishes?
Chafing dishes.
It just sounds wrong. I hear the word chafing and I immediately think of my thighs on those hot, humid days.
Apparently we were really unprepared for camping. Guess I need go to Williams and Sonoma and get one of these before we go back.
Brought to you by
11:50 AM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
There's a radio station in my office building. Consequently I will sometimes see famous people in the lobby who are visiting the station.
Friday morning I saw Dog the Bounty Hunter as I was leaving the building. He's so little!! Like half the size in both height and build than he looks on TV. Not Tom Cruise little, but little nonetheless.
Considering that it would be my only chance, I ran up to him and said hi and shook his hand. He just said a quick hello and continued towards the elevator. Then, as I continued out the door I saw a big, black Suburban sitting out front. It occurred to me that his wife might be inside so I ran over to see if her tits were as huge in real life as they are on TV but she was nowhere to be found.
I knew that the camera adds 10 pounds, but I didn't know that it also adds 10 inches. (insert porn jokes here)
Brought to you by
8:14 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Attack of the Bears
This weekend we took the trailer up to The Point. I wrote a little song to commemorate the excursion:
If you go into the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.
If you go into the woods today, you'll want to scratch out your eyes.
For every bear that ever there was,
Is gathered here and naked because,
Today's the day the naked bears have their piiiiiiiiiiiicnic.
I don't have a problem with clothing optional places, I just like to be warned ahead of time *ahem* Dead Robot *ahem*. Being the new meat for the weekend, the seasonals were quick to come over and say hello and to check out the trailer. There was many a naked man in the trailer this weekend, and not in a good way. I still can't understand why it was mostly the naked ones who stopped to say hello, and also why the good ones kept their clothes on.
The weekend was, oh what's the word - different.
Brought to you by
9:16 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I Like It When The Red Water Comes Out
I was recently introduced to Salad Fingers. Very creepy. And it gets creepier and darker as you watch the episodes. So twisted I can't help but love it. Safe for work - just don't let your coworkers see you watching this. They'll think you're weirder than you already are.
You should also watch this very important PSA.
Brought to you by
10:57 PM
Pothole Hero
Whenever a soldier is killed in battle, the body is sent to CFB Trenton where the coffin is given a hero's welcome, and is then promptly put into a hearse and driven to downtown Toronto for an autopsy. This 172km stretch of highway 401 is apparently dubbed the "Highway of Heroes" (of which I had no idea until yesterday). Now there is talk and an online petition to officially rename it. How ridiculous.
These soldiers, who do a job that I could never dream of doing, and who give their lives overseas protecting George Bush's interests, deserve to be remembered and commemorated - but not like this. They deserve better than to have some busy, congested, accident prone highway named in their honor. It just sounds wrong too. Imagine the news reports:
There was an accident today on the Highway of Heroes, just outside of Oshawa.
The East bound collector lanes on the Highway of Heroes are jammed. You should stay in the express lanes if you can. The Highway of Heroes opens up just past Kennedy.
This business is located just at the corner of Highway of Heroes and Brock Rd.
Can we not come up with something better than this?
Brought to you by
11:01 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Blonde Ambition
I've been looking at life differently lately. I don't get it. Watching everyone chugging along in their day to day lives makes it all look so pointless. Everything seems so mundane and meaningless. I'm not depressed, but I keep thinking that there has to be more. I'm not complaining about my life right now either, but I just feel like it should be better somehow. Enhanced maybe. I feel like I'm destined for something greater, better, more - can't quite come up with the right word. It's become a driving force.
Consequently I've been doing a lot of soul searching and life changing in the past year. I've got some projects on the go which I will finally be able to talk about soon and a list of others waiting to get off the ground. This was also one of my main reasons for quitting smoking. I just want my life to get even better, and poisoning myself wasn't helping much - not that I don't still crave a cigarette almost every single day. I'm also gearing myself up to going back to the gym.
In short I don't know if I'm being driven by ambition or by relentless discontent. Or maybe both. Maybe they're the same thing.
All I know is that picking up the reins and taking 100% control of your life is hard work. It's fucking exhausting, but worth it. Mark my words - in the next few years I will become famous in some way, shape or form.
And it won't be for that video that's currently circulating the Internet either.
Brought to you by
11:04 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Field of Dreams
My friend Shannon and I refer to each other as Fetus Friends. We quite honestly can't remember a time when we didn't know each other. Growing up I spent a lot of time at her house - especially in the summer with her having a pool and all. I'm pretty much family and am affectionately known as the surrogate little brother to her two older sisters. Her family has an annual field party, which was this past weekend, and of course I'm always invited. It's always a treat to bring Q with me - and this year, as a bonus, we got to try out the new trailer. What better way to inaugurate our becoming trailer trash, than with a field party?
Shannon and I grew up in the country. Our families are country folk. Always have been and always will be. I think it's safe to say that we both have some questionable branches on our family tree - some that don't branch out quite enough, or are slightly cracked, or just plain broken. The offshoots of those limbs were there on Saturday. We got to hear words like "shooken" and "ain't" and "You got a stick? My beer fell in the fire and I gotta get it out."
But the best part of the weekend was getting to spend time with Rowan, Shannon's 18 month old daughter. She's just absolutely the most cutest thing ever and took a real shining to me. Yet another one to spoil.
Brought to you by
9:37 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Union Rules
Tuesday morning we left a 4 a.m. - yes 4 a.m. (anyone who knows me knows how wrong that is) - to meet up with Q's sister and her family and head out to Rochester. Tuesday is also garbage day, so I put the green bin and recycling bins out on the lawn. Like everyone else in Toronto, we have a huge problem with raccoons and green bins full of food waste. Consequently I went out to Home Hardware months ago and bought some Raccoon Check strips to securely fasten the lids down. They are a simple and effective solution - just a nylon strip with backpack type clips on either end. Push ends together and it clips. Squeeze the clips and it releases. Raccoons can't figure it out, and apparently neither can garbage men. Seeing as it was an ungodly 4 in the morning, the coons would still be out so I elected not to undo the straps as I would usually do just before leaving for work. Well imagine my surprise when I got home today to find the green bin still closed and full. I guess undoing raccoon straps isn't in the union contract and therefore the lazy fucks don't have to do it. Seriously fucking ridiculous.
Speaking of ridiculous - Q's sister makes this annual trek to Rochester to do some back to school shopping with her kids and this year we decided to tag along. They leave at 4 in the morning (did I mention that already?) so they can beat the traffic. While that may seem logical, it also makes for a very long, exhausting day - which is made worse by the fact that you are forced to spend time in the mall (which I normally wouldn't mind under different circumstances) and can't nap or even rest because check in isn't until 3:00. I was just a tad grumpy by 4:00 p.m. and needed some rest to become civil again.
Our dinners were spent at Bugaboo Creek Steak House, which Q kept accidentally calling Jigaboo Creek the entire time. It's a "Canadian influenced steak house" - which was a new one for me. Of course that translates into the entire restaurant being decorated like a log cabin, complete with moose antler chandeliers, a Mountie statue at the door, and dead animals all over the walls, including a bison head that came alive every 20 min and talked. Either that or the shrooms I ordered as a side dish were kick ass. If you ever find yourself there, order the ribs. Best I've had in ages. Better than any I've had in Canada.
Trip was fun overall though. We stayed outside of Rochester - not actually in Rochester as we wanted to come home alive and with all our belongings. Hit a couple of malls and got a few deals. If we go next year, we'll just meet them down there or go the night before. I don't do early well. It makes me a spinner.
Brought to you by
10:40 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
In the Moment
Friday I stopped into Ginger, one of my favourite lunchtime haunts when I'm at Yonge and Bloor. It was hot outside and in, the place was packed, there was a lineup to the door crowding behind me, I had to share a table with someone I didn't know and the front windows were open with emergency vehicles were screaming up and down the street.
It was at that moment that I realized this chaos is exactly why I love being in the city.
Brought to you by
3:27 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Yay! Hate mail!!
I got my first hate comment. Apparently I'm doing something right:
Was fuer ein langweilig Blog. Halts Maul du bescheuerte Spinnner, dein Leben scheint zu verdammt und vergissbar sein. Stirbst du bitte bald und HALTE DIE KLAPPE!
Du bist Scheiss
Which babel fish accurately translated into:
Which for boringly a Blog. Stop muzzle you crazy Spinnner, your life seems too condemned and forgetable its. You die please soon and STOPS the FLAP!
You are shit
Silly Nazi. No one is forcing you to watch Dini Petty. I'll flap and spin as much as I want to thank you very much.
I loves me some hot Scheiss. Better than lube.
Brought to you by
9:40 AM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thriller Redux
Over 1,500 CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines recreate Thriller. A good incentive not to go back to jail?
Brought to you by
3:34 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
For those of you at work
I came across the artwork of Koen Demuynck the other day. Brillant stuff, though I can't read Russian so I don't know what the site says. I bet he gets asked to paint churches all the time.
Brought to you by
11:28 AM
Choose your own adventure.
If you go to this page, you'll find a bunch of links to small animated loops. You don't know what you'll get until you click a link. Some are cute clips from the Siimpsons and others will make you run crying to kitchen to grab bleach to pour into your eyes.
It's kind of like playing Memory, only there's no matches and you won't win a prize. The last link makes the worm video look like a Strawberry Shortcake episode. You know, the one where she acts out on her feelings for Rainbow Brite? It's my favorite episode.
NSFW. NSFAnyone. Shocking. Gross. Even by my standards (which are admittedly low).
Brought to you by
8:40 AM
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Reason to buy a mac #1073
Yesterday I was setting up a new laptop for a client. It was running Vista. I fucking hate it. Here's what it takes to install a program:
ME: Double clicks EXE file to install iTunes.
PC: The file you clicked on is a program. Do you want to run it?
ME: Clicks YES.
PC: You are about to run iTunes Installer, do you want to run it?
ME: Clicks YES.
PC: Publisher cannot be verified. Do you want to continue?
ME: Clicks YES. Accepts legal mumbo jumbo. Install starts.
PC: (Dims screen) This requires Administrative privileges. Click to continue.
ME: Clicks Continue. Install progresses.
PC: (Dims screen) This requires Administrative privileges. Click to continue.
ME: Clicks Continue. Install progresses.
PC: (Dims screen) This requires Administrative privileges. Click to continue.
ME: Clicks Continue. Install progresses. Install Finishes.
ME: Clicks iTunes shortcut.
PC: You are about to run iTunes. Do you want to do this?
Ok, so I didn't throw it out the window, but came close. This is progress?
Brought to you by
10:10 AM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Goin' back to my roots
This weekend I began my decent into the world of TPT - Trailer Park Trash. Q decided that he wanted a trailer to go camping in, so I tagged along as we went to Newcastle on Friday night to look, Shelburne on Saturday to look elsewhere, and back to Newcastle on Sunday to buy. I don't know why I bothered to quit smoking (3 weeks today!) since it's a requirement for a full TPT all access membership.
I haven't been camping since I was a kid, and all we had was a tent. I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle being in a trailer with only a stove, microwave, fridge, feezer, outdoor BBQ, Queen size bed (for 2 queens), LCD TV with built in DVD (and A/V connector for a Wii!!), stereo, toilet, shower, furnace and A/C. Roughin' it is going to be hard. With the bunk beds and fold out bench, it supposedly can sleep 6 - but only if that comprises of 2 adults and 4 children, or 4 midgets or a combination of both. Maybe more if everyone's a midget. Did I mention that being in the top bunk with no window is akin to being in a coffin? Oh and another thing, I'm not sure why but all trailers and RV's are designed by and decorated for The Golden Girls. It's appalling. Just because you're camping doesn't mean you don't have style (or does it?) This trailer was the most "fashion forward" one we could find. That's not the sole reason for getting it, but it helped in the decision making process.
Provided that all the paperwork goes through, we'll be picking it up this weekend. Now all we have to do is find a site to put it. Thankfully my parents live on a farm so we can put it there if we get a spot in time.
Here are some pics. Ours isn't this exact configuration, but you get the idea. Note the awesome blue LED's. If the trailer's a rockin', don't come a knockin'.
Brought to you by
9:16 AM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Much better now
Yeah, I was having a moment there the other day. It's amazing what kind of pictures come up in google when you type "cigarette." I held out.
In fact I'm feeling much better. Since I've quit my energy has gone up, I am a lot more awake in the morning and have a great sense of accomplishment, which adds to my positive mood and keeps me going every day. I'm even losing weight. I attribute that to the acupuncture. Part of the stabbing involves activating the points that curb hunger. I was only munchy for the first few days. Now I'm fine - mostly.
And the weekend is almost here! Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Brought to you by
10:58 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What would Brian Boitano do?
It's 1990 and The Dini Petty Show is at the height of it's popularity. You decide to watch it one day. Unsure if you liked it or not, you watch it again the next day. You finally decide you don't like it. From this point on do you:
A. Change the channel and never watch it again.
B. Spend that time masturbating using that hand lotion in the bathroom that no one ever touches, but then realize after the fact that it's really perfume-y and you can't get the lavender smell off and end up smelling like grandma for the rest of the day.
C. Turn on the VCR, pop in a tape and watch the episode of that cool new "90210" show that you taped the other night.
D. Pick up the phone and call a friend (providing that you have any).
E. Watch The Dini Petty Show incessantly every day and call the station after each and every episode to complain.
Brought to you by
9:45 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Fight Night
Saturday night we went out for some food in The Beaches Beach, and as we were heading back to the car, some movement across the street caught Q's eye. We turned to look and saw a man, his girlfriend/wife and what I assumed to be their 6 or 7 year old son emerge from behind some cars. The two "adults" were arguing and she began walking ahead of them and he would continuously grab her arm and she would yank it away. The kid silently plodded along behind them. It all looked very wrong - especially when he was screaming in her face.
There was also a group of people over there who were watching the spectacle move down the sidewalk. We went over to ask what had happened and apparently the man had knocked the woman down (which we didn't see because of parked cars). A woman in the group tried to dial 911 to report a domestic assault but her phone wasn't working so Q called on his and reported the incident.
While waiting for the police to show up, the girlfriend/wife left and the guy and his son wandered aimlessly up and down the street. All the other witnesses soon disbanded and we eventually went home too, figuring that the cops probably weren't going to show or the people would leave by the time they did arrive. Well, the cops did show and we got a call asking us to go back down and meet them.
As luck would have it, the trio were walking up the street as we parked in front of the cruiser. Q got out and pointed them out to the police. As we sat in the car watching the cops questioning them in my rearview mirror, I began to have doubts. Did we have the right to intrude on someone else's private affair? What right did we have to call the cops on someone having an argument? How awful would it be for the child to see his father taken away in handcuffs - and to be the one responsible for it? Q was adamant that we'd done the right thing - something which most people wouldn't do. We weren't the only ones concerned by what we saw either, and deep down I know that what I saw was disturbing - especially because there was a child present.
The cop came back to the window, asked for our statements again, and told us that the couple were completely denying that anything was wrong and that she'd fallen and he simply grabbed her to help her up. They were also arguing over the dinner bill. It was bullshit but we didn't see him push her down - other people did and they were gone. All I know is that we saw a nasty argument that should not have taken place in public, let alone with a child present. But in the end they convinced the cops that it was all a misunderstanding and we went our separate ways.
The couple were full of shit. I may not have heard their story but I know it was a cover up. Their son gave it away. His face and demeanor never changed throughout the whole evening. From the argument, to when she disappeared and he walked aimlessly up and down the sidewalk with his father, to when the cops started questioning them - he had the same, blank look on his face. Almost removed, like he was in his own world to protect himself from what was happening around him. He never spoke once. My heart went out to him. I can't imagine what he must go through at home.
I'd like to say I can't believe that she would protect him, but I can. It's all part of being a victim.
Brought to you by
9:09 AM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hello My Name Is __________
Today I'm interviewing for another tech to help me with my daily duties. He'll be mine to manage - kind of like getting your first pet only I'll be cleaning up any figurative messes he makes instead of stinky ones.
I've never been on this side of the table before. It's weird but I welcome the challenge and experience. I have some questions prepared but mostly I'm going to go with the flow. I'm interested in personality almost more than experience.
It's time to put all that acting and theatre work I did as a teenager to the test, and portray that I'm professional and organized. Hopefully I can keep that up for more than 5 minutes. I didn't wake up this morning thinking of cigarettes (which is a good sign) but I'm craving one now. I'm a bit nervous.
1:16pm - Well that's over with. Wasn't as bad as I'd thought. Think I found a good candidate too.
Brought to you by
9:05 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I warned you. (runs and hides under the bed)
Brought to you by
2:55 PM
You make me touch your hands for stupid reasons
I love that line - must use it somewhere.
From a poorly written breakup letter read aloud.
Brought to you by
2:47 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Get out of my dreams...... And into my mouth
Saturday night I had a dream that I was smoking. I woke up with that icky feeling you get when you've had way too many the night before. In fact I felt ill the entire weekend. And talk about a bad mood. I was so miserable on Sunday that I didn't know what to do with myself. I literally wanted to crawl out of my skin I felt so awful. It wasn't that I wanted a cigarette, I just felt gross inside and out. I attribute it to a second wave of withdrawal. fortunately I had a meeting on Sunday afternoon which required me to be "on." I was there long enough that I snapped out of my mood and was tolerable to be around for the rest of the day.
It has been exactly one week since I gave it up. Smoking diet = success. Cleansing diet = complete and utter failure. Oh well. I've discovered that I just don't have the energy right now to do both. One thing at a time.
I was looking at a VW Golf on the weekend. It was completely made for me - the GTI Fahrenheit Edition. What's so special about that you ask? It's orange. Orange body, with orange trim inside and orange stitching on the leather and loaded with a ton of toys. It was number 21/150 made worldwide. It was also $35,000 dollars. Sigh. I cry a little inside every time I think of it.
Brought to you by
9:41 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Day 5
Somehow I've managed to make it through 5 days of non smoking. Feels like the physical withdrawals are pretty much over with. Now it's on to breaking the habit. I'm still almost reaching in my pocket at certain times of the day, catching myself just as I'm about to reach for the pack that isn't there. I've received some very helpful advice from people this week that has helped my mental state (although there's only so much one can do for my mental state):
1. You are not quitting smoking - you have quit smoking. Quitting implies that you are still hanging on and haven't given up the habit yet. To "have quit" is final.
2. In that same vein it's important to think of yourself as a non-smoker. That mental shift can help stop you too.
3. Take it one cigarette craving at a time - not one day at a time (contrary to my previous post). Just concentrate on making it past that craving, since it will only last a few minutes. Then concentrate on the next one. Before you know it all those small victories will add up to an entire day, then week, then month etc.
These may sound hokey but I'm finding that they are helping me see the progress that's being made. I also don't want to pick up another cigarette again because I don't want to go through the hell that was Monday and Tuesday a second time.
As for the cleansing diet, I'm finding it difficult to stick to. All my concentration is on quitting smoking and the rest of the energy is spent trying to avoid lots of foods and finding alternatives. I am staying away from the fattening stuff though, I don't want to end up looking like all those gargantuan obese people on reality shows (or those we saw at Wegmans in Erie, PA).
I've also been going for acupuncture to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. However the majority of nerves that help with this are in the ear. I don't like having a needle stuck in my ear - let alone 5 of them. But I bitch and he does it anyways and I bitch some more. It's a love/hate thing. This morning I had those 5 plus another 12 on my hands/legs/arms/feet.
On another note, I was reading yesterday that Peter Jackson has picked up the movie rights for The Lovely Bones. It's interesting because as I began reading it I thought that it would make a great film and that he would be the perfect one to do it. Anyone who's seen Heavenly Creatures will know what I mean.
I'll be looking at the Shopaholic series when I'm done.
Brought to you by
12:33 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
This whole no smoking thing is going better than expected. Tuesday was a rough day though. Woke up ready to kill anyone who even so much as looked at me the wrong way. Must make a mental note to buy Q a special something for putting up with Super Bitch(ier than usual). My snackitite is lessing today too. Still craving, but more out of habit than anything else.
Yesterday I went to a client's company "fun day"- which consisted of going to a resort for the day, sitting by the pool, eating, drinking, going to the spa for a facial, eating, drinking some more and going home. It's also usually a day filled with smoking - of which I had none. I wasn't going to drink any alcohol either (stupid cleansing diet), but thought it would be a good reward for not caving in a difficult situation. So I rewarded myself a few times.
On Tuesday I decided to buy a book to distract myself with. On a whim I picked up Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones" from the bargain table. Had never heard of it before, but the premise sounded good. It's basically about a young girl who's murdered and goes to heaven. From there she watches her family search for her and her murderer, all the grief they go through and how they essentially all fall apart in some way as the years go on. I couldn't put it down. I was hooked from the first couple of pages. In fact I read 3/4 of it yesterday.
Oh, and you now how they say that you should always wear sunscreen even if it's overcast outside? They aren't lying. My legs turned lobster red in spots within an hour. That's what happens when you get lost in a book and neglect to put on the sunscreen before you start reading.
Consequently I'm on fire today, but the Medicated Solarcain Sunburn relief is working. As I was applying it liberally last night, the Solarcain smell brought back many childhood memories. There were always two staples in our house growing up - Solarcain for the sunburns and Bactine for bug bites, slivers, cuts, scrapes and anything else under the sun. Some things never change.
Brought to you by
10:09 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Things I Didn 't Do Today
I did not get up when the alarm went off.
I did not make myself a delectable cup of espresso this morning.
I did not take said espresso out on the back deck.
I did not fire up a cigarette, take a drag, take a sip of espresso, look around at all the trees and flowers, relax and slide into my day.
I did not have cereal for breakfast. I had a yogurt.
I did not have a smoke on my way to the office.
I did not have one when I arrived.
I did not stick to the no coffee rule either. I caved and got a tall americano at Starbucks though. Technically I'm not supposed to be off coffee until next week and am supposed to be reducing my intake in the next 7 days. So that's my rationale. It's getting me by.
It's amazing the number of things I didn't do today! I wonder what I won't do tomorrow? And the day after that? And the day after that? And the day after that?
Shoot me.
It's only 10:30.
Brought to you by
10:14 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I finally broke down yesterday and bought a Nintendo Wii. OMG it's a shitload of fun! Highly recommended. I'm hooked on the boxing. You actually grab a remote in both hands and punch at the screen. No buttons, just movement. Fun.
It good to have a distraction. Come Monday I am going on a cleansing diet and giving up smoking - for good. I've given it a lot of thought lately and the decision is final. I'm not going to let myself fail this time.
For me going on a cleansing diet is the best way to quit. You suddenly deprive yourself of so many other things (sugar, caffeine, wheat, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate) that the nicotine cravings get lost in all the other hell you're going through. I've done it before and it's worked.
Good thing about cleansing diet - increased energy, get rid of toxins in the body, lose weight.
Bad things about cleansing diet - giving up all food that is worth living for, the headaches and nausea that hit on the 2nd or 3rd day as your body goes through withdrawl. Have the Advil handy.
Brought to you by
9:11 AM
Monday, July 02, 2007
I know I've dropped off the radar but I was on a much needed and deserved vacation. Q and I spent the past 4 days in Erie PA. What's in Erie you ask? OUTLET MALL. The crappy US dollar + no tax in malls = new wardrobe. Considering deals like the scoring of 8 t-shirts and 1 pair of shorts for $97 at the Banana Republic Outlet, the trip was well worth it. We went with empty suitcases and came back full.
Surprisingly there were two gay bars in Erie. Unsurprisingly they were, umm, interesting. The Zone had quite the collection of people, including 100 year old drag queens. I'm sorry to say that a cheap wig and miniskirt from Sears do not a drag queen make. Anyone remember the little old guy from Benny Hill? Not too far off.
The other, Trance, was a bit better, with a more nightclub feel to it. Would have been better if there had been more people there though. However the 2.25 vodkas made up for it. I still can't get over how cheap it is to drink there.
As usual I took a few pictures to commemorate the trip:
Brought to you by
8:24 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
My only claim to fame
DeadRobot just alerted me to the fact that I was - once again - a poster boy for The Black Eagle Toronto. You'd think they would have found a clearer picture to use. You'd think I'd get paid or at least a free drink. Not to mention that site looks like utter shit. A direct product of Dated Websites for Dummies Using Frontpage 2.0 for Windows 95. Hell, even I could have done better.
Me (I'm having my leg measured for raffle tickets):
Brought to you by
10:37 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
70's Ads
What happens if you wear it and you're not gay?
These chicks are into hot bareback action.
A. It's O.J.
B. He has a third leg. Literally.
Jump Suits Ltd. 'Nuff said.
<-- Not Sexy ..... Not Sexy -->
Levis. For little boys who dream of swinging alone to the pink tiger.
Brought to you by
11:09 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
First Draft
Going to be creating some pictures along this theme. This is just a rough idea, not sure what the final product will be like. Just wanted to put it out there. Aiming for the fall.
Brought to you by
9:18 AM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Not Suitable for Some Viewers
As if the Olympic logo wasn't hideous enough, it's now come to light that the promotional video for it can cause seizures. Even people who hadn't had them for years were being triggered by this awful piece of promotional trash. Talk about adding insult to injury - or in this case injury to insult. It has since been taken off their website, but you can still find it here.
WARNING - If you are prone to seizures and Dickeybird THIS MEANS YOU, don't watch it (unless you want the rest of the day off). I did and even I had to avert my eyes a couple of times - especially the part when the diver jumps in the pool. It even left me feeling a little odd for a minute or so after watching. I find it hard to believe that no one noticed anything unusual during the screening process (assuming there was one of course).
You know, the more I think about it, the more I have to give kudos to the agency that created it. It's definitely unique, it's recognizable, it's unforgettable, everybody's talking about it, and even though it doesn't look like it has much to do with the Olympics, thanks to the media everyone knows that it's associated. I'd have to say that they did their job well - hideous or not.
I'm going to go take some Advil now. I've got a headache. You've been warned.
Brought to you by
12:01 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007
Logo me this
This is the official logo for the 2012 Olympics. I may be an artistic hack, but I know shite when I see it. Florescent pink and yellow? Hello? 1988 called and they want their logo back. Ech. Apparently it hasn't been well received.
Best comment I've read so far:
"Lisa Simpson giving head is the official 2012 London Olympic logo!"
Didn't see it until I read that - and now it's all I see.
Thanks to Knife Writer for the quote.
Brought to you by
12:11 PM
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Since Everyone Else Is Doing It
1.The phone rings, who do you want it to be?
A representative from The Daddy Institute telling me that I've won the grand prize and can choose to be the boy of any one of their hot, rich Daddies. I also get to be the beneficiary of their will (not that there'd be much money left after I was through).
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Yes. Q always makes a point of it because god forbid he lose twenty five cents.
3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
If I knew his name, what he looked like and could find that dark alley again.
4. Do you take compliments well?
Yes, but I don't take lack of them very well.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
Sometimes. It makes my brain hurt after a while. Thinking is hard.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
My Daddy would never abandon me. I'd sue the Institute.
7. Do you like tongue rings?
Eh, whatever.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Yes, I went to Quin-Mo-Lac! Just like Dickey! I also remember there being a couple of hot counselors there who were identical twins. Made me tingle in a pre-pubescent way. One was our group leader and I remember peaking at him at night and watching him change.
9. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs?
Yes I could and I have. His being Jewish bothered him a lot more than it did me (I didn't care).
10. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Definitely pursued. This bitch don't like to work.
11. Use three words to describe yourself at the moment.
Bored and horny.
12. Do any songs make you cry?
Only when I'm relentlessly subjected to the same 5 top 40 songs on the radio. I don't listen to the radio anymore.
13. Are you continuing your education?
I learn something new every day - another way to hate Windows.
14. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
I had a pellet gun as a kid. Does that count?
15. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
My cats - who would be all freaked out and run away from me.
16. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
17. Favorite children's movie?
I prefer childish shows for adults - South Park, Robot Chicken, Harvey Birdman, Drawn Together etc.
18. What color are your eyes?
Blue / Green / Hazel. It depends on the day. Makes filling in government forms a crapshoot.
19. How tall are you?
20. If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you?
21. Any secret admirers?
Too many to mention. They're so secret I don't even know they exist.
22. Taken a picture in photo booth?
23. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
The last time one was open in Toronto - 1999 ish.
24. Favorite ex?
If I liked them, they wouldn't be an Ex. Though J was fun.
25. Do you like mayo?
All over my body.
26.Do you like mustard?
Yes I do.
27. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Both, but if I had to give up one it would be sleeping.
28. Do you look like your mum or dad
I kinda look like my mom's brother.
That didn't come out right.
29. How long does it take you to shower?
10 - 15 min. Depends on how many songs I sing.
30. Can you do the splits?
God no!
31. What movie do you want to see right now?
There are a couple, just on the tip of my tongue, but I can't think of them now. Spiderman 3 is NOT one of them.
32. What did you do for New Years?
I can't quite remember, but it was quiet.
33. Do you think The Grudge was crappy?
Never saw it but want to.
34. Do you want to have sex right now?
Yes, but not with anyone in the immediate vicinity.
35. Do you own a camera phone?
36. Did you have a crush on any teachers?
Yes. in high school. His name was Mr Clapp.
That sounds wrong.
37. Was your mom a cheerleader?
I highly doubt it.
38. What's the last letter of your middle name?
39. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Around 7.
40. Do you like care bears?
I did when I was little. It frightens me that they are popular all over again.
41. What do you buy at the Movies?
Chocolate, sprite and eat Q's popcorn.
42. Do you know how to play poker?
43. Do you wear your seatbelt?
Yes, although mine currently has a big red blood stain on it from the Evil Dead Musical.
44. What do you wear to sleep?
My birthday suit.
45. Anything big ever happen in your town?
Port Hope - nothing ever happens. Toronto - I guess SARS was a big deal.
46. Is your hair straight or curly?
Straight and messy.
47. Is your tongue pierced?
No. Not interested.
48. Do you like Liver and Onions?
Why would I choose to eat the body's filter? Love onions though.
49.Have you ever been in love?
Currently am. Thought I had before, but looking back I wasn't really. Not like this.
50. Do you like funny or serious people better?
51. Ever been to L.A.?
I think we went there on a family trip to California when I was 10.
52.Do you like the rain?
Yes. Especially if it's a warm rain.
53.Ocean or pool?
Ocean, then pool in the afternoon.
54.What’s your favorite drink?
Belvedere vodka martini, straight up, dirty, with olive.
55. Do you hate chocolate?
That's like asking if I hate water, air or any other necessity.
56. Are you a gullible person?
Yes - I mean no, I mean why do you ask?
57. Do you need a bf/gf to be happy?
No, but it helps.
58. Do you have socks on right now?
59. Are you easy to get along with?
I always thought so, unless no one has bothered to inform me otherwise.
60. What is your favorite time of day?
61. Do you like PINK?
I have a pink shirt that I look good in, and a pink t-shirt. As for the artist, she's not too bad.
Brought to you by
3:06 PM
My new coffee table
OK, so I know most (if not all) of you are not tech junkies like myself, but you have to see this for yourself.
Brought to you by
1:32 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Reefer Madness
This is what happens when you make special brownies, eat too many of them and call 9-1-1.
Wait, there's more...
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9:49 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Dead Like Me
Last night Dickey, Q, Scott and I went out to see Evil Dead the Musical as part of my annual birthday celebration. I made sure to get us front row center blood seats. All of us except Scott had seen it before. It was funny and campy - just like before. And we all got spattered with blood - just like before. I think I got it the worst out of the four of us. Somehow they must have known it was my birthday.
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8:25 AM